Northumberland Meet 19 – 21 May 2012 – Dave Helliwell
This meet was held at the same venue as in 2010 – the Demesne Farm Bunkhouse in Bellingham – and delightful it was. In this poor summer the forecast was changeable and this may have kept numbers down a bit. However eight Oreads and a Local Expert convened in the bunkhouse on Friday night. On adjournment to the pub we found The President and his good lady along with Mr Motivator and his wife already settling in to a hearty banquet with copious glasses of wine. The pub was a revelation: two years ago the beer and food were mediocre at best, now, several good ales and top class cuisine a definite bonus. The late comers particularly appreciated the pizzas provided well after time had been called for last food orders.
The President and Mr Motivator had climbed at Brimham on the way up whilst Gobbo and I, in search of esoteric rock, had climbed at Padda Crag, a remote crag in the Keilder forest on the Cumbrian border: a long walk but well worth it.
Saturday dawned damp and overcast but a promise of improving weather. Our expert recommended Callerhues Crag, the Wharncliffe of Northumberland, where the grades are tough but at least it faced south west and out of the wind.
Editorial note: It was raining in the morning so the Meet Leader took on the duty of entertaining the party until better times arrived. A breakfast cooking performance, worthy of an Oscar, (involving several changes of frying pan and an advance party being sent out to secure oil supplies) lasted for 55 minutes until the weather began to relent.

Wet and cold at Callerhues. Meet Leader playing the hero on Thunderclap VS 5a.
It is quite a long walk to the crag along the Pennine Way but someone suggested we walk from Bellingham, adding another two miles to the approach! The weather stayed fine and dry, although cold, with odd glimpses of the sun. Most of the party climbed the classic Callerhues Crack, along with several other routes, although everyone commented on the toughness of the grades. Mr Motivator motivated several of the party up Rice Crispies 5c and in his enthusiasm forgot something… A good day out on a remote crag with a good long walk thrown in as a bonus.
We had an excellent meal in the pub and then returned to the bunkhouse where Derek Pike tried, fortunately without success, to burn the building down after a mishap with the wood burning stove:
“The only safe course of action is for three people to drag Derek away and sit on him. Then Snod, who hasn’t been drinking, should deal with the stove.”
Derek persevered however, and meltdown was averted.
Sunday dawned dry and we set off on the long drive to Kyloe Out. This is a great crag with sensible grades and something for everyone. The weather couldn’t have been more different from Saturday, multiple layers were abandoned and “T”shirts were the order of the day as we basked in the sun. Several ascents were made of Elevator, Coldstream Corner, Gagarin’s Groove and Wilfred Prickles and a good day was had by all. In the course of the day Mike Mowbray realised he had left most of his gear behind at Callerhues, but fortunately he met a friend at Kyloe who flogged up there on Sunday night and retrieved it.

Chris on Callerhues Crack.

Snod & John Mountain on Gagarin Groove.
As we took tea in glorious sunshine before setting off home it seemed as if summer had finally arrived. Perhaps in 2014 we can have another Northumberland meet and get to Crag Lough.
Attendees: Dave Helliwell (Snod), John Mountain (Gobbo), Chris Wilson, Ruth Gordon, Simon Pape, Roland and Angela, Mike Hayes and Derek Pike in the bunkhouse, plus Pete (The President) and Sue Lancaster, and Mike (Mr Motivator) and Alison Mowbray in camper vans.