Socially Isolated Camping Meet – May 2020 – Janet Briggs.

Well there were two unusual things about this meet: 

  • –  It was a Bank Holiday weekend but the Bank Holiday was on a Friday. 
  • –  It was a Bank Holiday weekend and the weather was warm and sunny. 

Possibly there is something else unusual going on at the moment but that did not stop the Oread from having a well attended and successful meet. As meet leader I’m afraid I have been remiss in not having a full list of all attendees, suffice to say that there were at least 44 attendees for some or all of the weekend.

Things were kicked off early by one of our older and wiser members, who felt that as he was using his Blacks ‘New Guinea’ tent for the first time in 45 years it might be prudent to pitch early and check that all the 30 guys and 34 pegs were present and correct and that it would stand up to all that the Allestree weather could throw at it. He was fully prepared by Monday afternoon.

For most ‘arrival’ at their chosen campsite was on Friday so by the time of our ‘zoom’ get together at 8.00pm on Friday tents, tarps, bivvi bags and hammocks had been erected, at least one van had been prepared. Fires had been lit, some outdoor cooking undertaken and a glitter ball erected, a ‘glitter ball’ you ask… just ask Tim Sellears why, but I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time and provided some evening entertainment. It would seem that some participants succumbed to the availability of luxurious indoor accommodation at their chosen venue (shame on you!). 

What is more a new route had already been put up by Roger Larkam, I do not currently have information about the route name, and in which guide book it will appear, I also have not been told whether there has been a second ascent yet, however there is a photographic record of the route. 

So, at or around 8.00pm, (depending on prior engagements), at least 26 phones, tablets or laptops were pressed into action for our first ever virtual ‘meet evening yarn’ via zoom. For some reason beyond my control the usual 40 minute limit on zoom meetings was not applied so we had over 90 minutes of banter, drinking together but not together, and socially distant social interaction before fading light stopped play. 

So far as I am aware all had a good night, reports of Saturday activities are sparse, I do know that Ruth was successful in managing to insert her pop up tent back into its bag. Chris and Gill had a good walk and provided the second bit of climbing action of the weekend. 

Some quotations from participants: 

I’ve arrived a little early for the camping meet….. must be the excitement of good weather and a new tent to test out! Neil Weatherstone. 6 May. 

Had a lovely walk over Cromford Moor. Back at campsite now. 

Beer outside tent before lighting campfire, chimera* actually. Richard Hopkinson.
*According to your Hon. Ed’s dictionary: chimera: a fabulous fire-eating monster. Chiminea: a wood burning garden stove. Perhaps Richard will enlighten us as to which he used to cook his tea. 

I couldn’t be bothered with pitching a tent so I tried to bivouac but ran out of wine after an hour and retreated into the house. Dave Wright 

Must stop sitting in here comfortably drinking fizz. Tis time to venture into the outer darkness. The cat refuses to contemplate the tent experience. My neighbour’s three year old was evicted from her tent last week by the marauding trolls of Lumsdale. This may be the last you hear from me……………….Ruth Gordon 

Slept like a log except being woken a midnight by some fireworks. Straight off again and didn’t get woken by the birds. Snod 

A terrible thing has happened. Our campsite does accommodation as well and happens to have an empty room at a rate that was too good to resist. Maggie and I will be in the pub though. Simon Pape 

I couldn’t persuade Gill to forsake a comfortable bed, but I gave the old Quasar an outing and enjoyed the experience including the dawn chorus in the early hours. Our activity for the day was a circuit of the Burbage Valley from Foxhouse. It was splendid weather although quite cloudy by the end. Chris Radcliffe. 

All in all a successful meet, one that I hope circumstances allow us to never to have to repeat!