Oreads enjoying the snow!

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This past week the Oreads have been up in Scotland enjoying the snow in all the places they could find it! Here they are on Ben Lawers Summiting Ben Bhreac! They even took a nice walk to see the sites around Lock Lomond!

Evening Lecture:from Sargans to Montreux via eighteen passes

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Rob Tresidder will give an illustrated talk about the Alpine Passes Walk, from Sargans to Montreux via eighteen passes and below the north face of the Eiger. This talk in honour of Kev Reynolds, walker and writer extraordinaire 1943 – 2021 on Tuesday, 01 February at 7.30 p.m. in The Royal Oak, Ockbrook DE72 3SE […]

Circuit round Crich

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Seven Oreads plus a couple of friends gathered at Whatstandwell on 20 Jan – a fabulous crisp, clear winter’s morning – for a circuit around Crich. We passed below Chasecliff crag – bigger and more impressive than I remembered – before leaving the woods to enjoy fine views all round as we made our way […]

Some January Fun

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The Oreads have been busy this month getting up to all sorts (Well except for Ice climbing because believe it of not it hasn’t been cold enough!). Take a look below at just a few moments from this months activities. People have been walking in Scotland, Climbing indoors and Mike even went paddling!

Wintery walk fog and all!

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This morning a few keen Oreads went for a walk starting at Linacre Wood Car Park and doing the circular route. If you are interested in finding a group of like minded people who enjoy walking and the outdoors (and beer…) then take a look at the membership page for more information.

New years day walk 2022

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Some years earlier I was asked to lead this event when Rusty belatedly took ill. On that occasion I collected Rob Tressider en-route, arrived at the Ilam start point in torrential rain and found ourselves the only fools out on such a foul day. This year I collected Jane Tressider, and was pleased to see […]

Tuesday evening lecture: The lure of Kulu

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When the weather outside isn’t ideal for a trip to the peaks why not pop to the pub and get your mountain fix through hearing about exciting trips and achievements from summers gone by! This week Bob Pettigrew will describe the pull of Kulu in the heart of the Great Himalayan Divide that forms the […]

Beddgelert to Nantmor High Level Route

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Some of our members have been out and about walking this week and have captured some truly beautiful pictures. All the pictures in this article are credited to Peter Kennington. If you are an Oread member and want to share your adventures contact me at websupport@oread.co.uk! This route is around 6 miles and starts opposite […]

WINTER WALL WEDNESDAYS (Sheffield, Awesome Walls)

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Introducing the underwhelmingly named series of events that you didn’t know you wanted! The evenings are dark and the weekends are wet. Many of us spend our time dangling around at indoor walls so we thought it was time that we organised some sessions at them to at least allow you to socialise a bit […]

The December newsletter is out!

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Nine pages of events coming up including the season’s indoor talks both live and on Zoom plus Wednesday winter evening indoor wall meets in Nottingham and Sheffield and an outdoor climbing night for the hardy souls. Several walks and social get-togethers over Christmas and New Year. Looking forward – two winter Scottish hut weekends are […]