Beddgelert to Nantmor High Level Route

Some of our members have been out and about walking this week and have captured some truly beautiful pictures. All the pictures in this article are credited to Peter Kennington. If you are an Oread member and want to share your adventures contact me at!

This route is around 6 miles and starts opposite the gate from Gelerts Grave and continues past the Beddgelert Cemetery , steeply through the wood until reaching level ground above Bryn y Felin. The path thereafter is indistinct and can be rather boggy but the rewards with views to Snowdon and the Moelwyns are worth it.

There are a few nice surprises like the derelict farmhouses and the mossy path descending the Aberglaslyn Pass. Cross the road in the valley and walk back up the Glaslyn to Beddgelert.

The views include Snowndon and across to Moelwyn Mawr and Cnicht