Dry tooling – Masson Lees

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Sunday 13 November and 17 December – Jeff Ingman and Tim Sellears Climbing outside in November? Climbing outside in December? ……regardless ofthe weather?It can only mean one thing……dry tooling.To my knowledge this is the first time that the Oread will be meeting for drytooling, a specific niche activity for developing skills and strength for winterclimbing. […]

Oread Annual Dinner

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Saturday 3rd December 2022 The annual dinner is once again at:The Fox and Goose Inn, Pudding Pie Hill, Wigley. S42 7JJ.www.thefoxandgooseinn.comA very pleasant country pub with good food and beer on the B6050 Baslow toBrampton road. A mere 2.9 miles from Heathy Lea – downhill on the way back!Overnight accommodationThe pub does not have any […]

Fylde MC hut Little Langdale

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18th and 19th Nov. 2022 The Fylde club’s delightful hut is well situated for a variety of crags – in Langdaleitself are Gimmer, Raven, White Ghyll and Pavey Ark and there’s magnificentquarries close at hand too. Plus great mountain walking in all directions.We sincerely hope for better weather than last year when gales knocked out […]

Weekend walk – Hathersage

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Saturday 12th November 2022 Meet in the centre of Hathersage for a 10am start, opposite the Texaco Garage /Santana Balti.Our route, of roughly 11 miles, takes us through a good mix of terrain, fromriverside paths and a wooded gorge to the open moorland of Stanage Edge(Hathersage > Padley Gorge > Toad’s Mouth > Higger Tor […]

Wednesday walk – Hollinsclough

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2 Nov. 2022 Meet at the phone box in Hollinsclough (SK065266) a little before 10.30 so thatwe may move off at that time, there is unlikely to be a shortage of parking spaceon the verge, mid week in winter. We shall merely view my much lauded usualhaunts of the limestone hills from a respectful distance, […]

Strawberry cottage – Glen Affic

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23rd to 29th October 2022 The meet is fully booked, should anyone wish to be put on a reserve list pleasefeel free to e mail me.To those booked on to the meet we have bed nights in Strawberry Cottage fromSunday, 23rd – Fri, 28th October, leaving on Saturday, 29th.The journey out and back involves a […]

Thursday short walk – Thorp

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Thur. 20th October 2022 Meet at Narlows lane car park, Thorpe (free) for an 11.00 am start. The route willbe via Tissington and Fenny Bentley about five and a half miles with one shortsteep hill – and a tea stop at lunch time.Please let me know if you are able to make it.Colin Hobday

Ice climbing, Rjukan

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14th -12st Jan. 2023 This meet is now fully booked and there are a couple of reserves in case of drop-outs. Jeff Ingman

Gritstone trail part 3

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Sat. 15th Oct. 2022 I propose to walk Part 3 of the scenic Gritstone Trail in a linear fashion fromKidsgrove railway station (SJ837 543) to our Part 2 start / end point ofTimbersbrook car park. (Map OL 268, GR 894 627).This will require some logistical planning. Assemble at Timbersbrook at 10:00.Depart at 10:15 in half […]

Hope – Wednesday walk

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Wed. 5th /oct. 2022 Pip is leading this walk but is away and been unable to provide details which willbe in next month’s newsletter. Please be in touch with her if you want to go andneed more info before then.Pip Leach