Boxing Day Walk

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26th Dec. 2021 Sadly the Miners’ Arms Brassington is currently closed so a new venue is neededfor our traditional festive meet-up. As The Gate is so small, and at present theonly pub in the village, they are unlikely to be able to fit us all in so we proposeto meet up at the Miners’ Arms, […]

Festive Season at Tan yr Wyddfa

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24 Dec. 2021 to 3 Jan. 2022 As usual the hut is available for members and family to have a sociable timetogether and no doubt a shared meal will be arranged for New Year’s eve. Don’tforget to reserve your beds, using the online system if possible, otherwise bycontacting Michael Hayes.

Black Rocks evening meet

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15 Dec. 2021 It’s the Wednesday before the Wednesday before Christmas! Time for all ruftytufty Oreads to get out with headtorches and scramble about in the dark, darknight. After sufficient exposure to the elements we will retire to the Rising Sun,Middleton by Wirksworth where we will be made welcome but this year no mealhas been […]

WINTER WALL WEDNESDAYS (Sheffield, Awesome Walls)

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Introducing the underwhelmingly named series of events that you didn’t know you wanted! The evenings are dark and the weekends are wet. Many of us spend our time dangling around at indoor walls so we thought it was time that we organised some sessions at them to at least allow you to socialise a bit […]

Fun in the sun February 2022

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Sport climbing, Benidorm A few of us have booked with Jet2 for a trip to Benidorm, hopefully climbing andwalking in some much needed sunshine. We are staying at the AparthotelTerralta from 6 or 7 February for between 11 and 14 days. We have booked halfboard but you can also self cater. All welcome to join […]

Evening lecture

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Tuesday 7 December 8.00pm Royal Oak Ockbrook Bob Pettigrew, no less, will talk to the club about the second ascent of the SolangWeißhorn, so named by none other than General Bruce (first ascensionist) afterits resemblance to the well known peak in Walliss, Switzerland. Bob will also talkmore generally about his journeys to India and the […]

Weekend walk Lathkill dale

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Sat 18th Dec. As we have so little daylight at this time of year an early start will need to be theorder of the day, but not too early! 09.30am.I think the Lathkill round from Moor Lane car park should be doable in mostweathers. It is a classic, starting from SK 1922 6448 at the […]

Zoom – Travels around a small bit of Australia

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Tues. 23rd Nov. 20:00 Tales of our ‘road trip’ into South Australia and the Flinders Range, calling in ona well known crag on the way back. Or, what happens when a couple of Britsget lent a ‘Disco’. Nigel Briggs

Post prandial walk

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5 Nov 2021 I propose to meet at the car park at Narlows Lane, Thorpe, around 10.15 for a10.30 stroll off via Tissington, Newton Grange and Parwich Lees which shouldput us at ‘The Sycamore’ in Parwich soon after opening time. I have told the staffthat we will be there for drinks. If you require food […]

Short walk Brassington

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18 Nov. 2021 We will set off at 11.00 am from the little car park near Brassington SK233 547and head off over Carsington Pasture to make a circuit to the east of the vilage. Ruth Gordon