Wednesday walk over Kinder

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6th Sept. 2023 I suggest starting at 10.00am from the car park at Barber Booth SK 10808472 There should be room for enough cars, but would think getting thereearlier may be better as Saturdays can get busy. This is a classic walk overKinder but keeping away from the main drag. We will walk up the […]

Low House Coniston

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1st to 3rd Sept. 2023 We have the MAM Low House hut, located in the village of Coniston,booked for the weekend. The hut is located close to the fells of Dow Crag,Grey Friar, Wetherlam and the Old Man of Coniston with great walking andclimbing in Great Langdale, just a few miles up the road. The […]

Weekend walk -Earl Sterndale

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Sat. 19th Aug. 2023 We will start at 10.15am from Earl Sterndale Church for approximately 10miles around the Chrome Hill, High Wheeldon area. Bring a packed lunch.Louise Amandini

Thursday short walk – Darley Bridge

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Thur. 17th Aug. 2023 We will meet for an 11.00 am start at the small car park/picnic site atDarley Bridge near the Square and Compass pub. SK270 624. There is asecond car park belonging to the cricket ground very close by. We will meetin the one with the brown picnic site signpost.This is a very […]

Peak Climbing Day Meet

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12th and 13th Aug 2023 I’m hoping we can get out to some lesser travelled moorland grit such asShining Clough on the Saturday. If weather permits.Then for Sunday a bit more of a reasonable walk in somewhere nearer thehut – to be confirmed.If there is not the conditions or the appetite for the above plan […]

Weardale walking and mountain biking

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4th/5th Aug. 2023 For this meet, we will be using the campsite (or bunkhouse if you prefer)Haggs Bank, at Nentsbury, Alston CA9 3LH. Haggs Bank is actually inCumbria but it is close to the border of Cumbria/CoDurham/Northumberland.This area in the North Pennines, is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,it has a wealth of geology and […]

Wednesday walk – Millers Dale

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2nd Aug. 2023 We will meet at 10:00am for a 10:15 start in the car park at the OldRailway Station in Millers Dale (postcode SK17 8SN)(grid SK141733) justoff the Monsal Trail. I believe there is a café so coffee might be available.Our route is long and narrow allowing lots of scope for shortening if youwant […]

Tan yr Wyddfa Working Party andWeekend Meet

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25th to 29th July 2023 Don’t forget this will be the week to give the hut a bit of TLC, have somefun, do some climbing and then enjoy the weekend. All welcome for anypart of the time you can spare. Although there is always plenty of cleaning,gardening and painting to be done, Pam Storer, Pam […]

Thursday short walk – Lea

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20th July 2023 The walk will start at 11.00 a.m. from outside the Jug and Glass, MainRoad, Lea. DE4 5GJ. Roadside parking.A short walk on the road will take us towards Sledgate Lane. We cross the‘Hollow Way’ which is a bit a steep sided. Field footpaths take us to HighLane, the farm and popping out […]

Weekend walk – Upper Derwent

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Sun 16th July 2023 The July Weekend walk will be on Sunday 16th July. We will be visitingsome of the Upper Derwent Hills. The plan is to meet at Fairholmes CarPark (SK 173 894) at 10.00 am. Initially we will head South East beforeheading North to Lost Lad. From here we follow the tops to […]