Category: News
Sat. 27th May – Sun. 4th June 2023 I’m aiming at classic climbs, there are climbs of all grades, great walking and canoeing too. The plan is set by the tides for the Old Man of Stoer (North of Lochinver) which are better in the second week. So we will start on Skye at the Glen […]
70th Anniversary Meet Report Spenser Gray The 70th Anniversary of the club had been bandied about as something which needed celebrating for some time within the committee when it occurred to me that perhaps we should experience some of the routes which would have been climbed by our predecessors on the day of the first […]
Saturday 25 March 7:30 pm The Annual General Meeting of the Club will take place at 7:30 pm on Saturday25th March 2023. The meeting will be held at The Duke William, Matlock. Thiswill be the first ‘in person’ AGM since March 2019.In the meeting we will approve the minutes of the 2022 AGM, consider theaccounts […]
Tuesday 21 March 8.00 pm Gill Radcliffe and Peter Amour will entertain us for the last of this winterseason’s Zoom talks. Gill will be talking about her five weeks in the Chamonixvalley and climbs with the Alpine Club and Oread members. “I didn’t climb to ahigh standard, unlike the illustrious Oread members of old but […]
10th and 11th March 2023 The Fylde club’s delightful hut is well situated for a variety of crags – in Langdaleitself are Gimmer, Raven, White Ghyll and Pavey Ark and there’s magnificentquarries close at hand too. Plus great mountain walking in all directions.This is a hut swap so we only pay our own members’ rates […]
Tuesday 7 March 2023, 8 pm, Royal Oak OckbrookThe last lecture of the season will feature Paul Gardiner, Oread and one of onlytwo surviving original members. This will be a bit of a look back! Assisted byPeter Amour.
Wed, 1st March 2023 The walk will take a twisting course to cross Dovedale, skirt the shoulder ofBunster Hill and then switch back to Ilam. A combination of tarmac and turf willthen guide us to Blore, followed by heading for Mappleton village followed by anelevated finish to Thorpe.If interested Pete can be contacted on his […]
Saturday 25th Feb Mick Fowler is giving a talk at the Imperial Rooms, Matlock at 6.45 pm. Theevening is a fundraising event, including a raffle, for a small charity 65 DegreesNorth that helps to rehabilitate injured veteransthrough adventurous challenges.Mick’s enthralling presentation, ‘No Easy Way’, covers his more recent thrillingadventures in the mountains and also […]
Thursaday, 23rd Feb. 2023 Please note this walk is a week later than usual. Meet at 10.45am for an 11.00am start in the car park at Calke Abbey, Ticknall, (National Trust members free)and walk through the lovely parkland of Calke in a circuit passing the old limeworkings and through the tunnel (Head torch) stopping at […]