Curry Meet – Matlock Bath

Wed. 21st Sept. 2022

A return of an old favourite with a new twist. In days gone by, at the end of the
evening climbing season in September, we would grab a quick route on Wildcat,
a quick pint (or two) in the County & Station and a curry in the Matlock Bath
Balti next door. Sometimes even in that order.
Lockdown has changed everything! Not only do we have to abseil into Wildcat,
but it gave the good people at the Balti time to convert the County & Station into
a bigger, better restaurant. So this year, those wanting a quick pint will have to
go to the Old Bank a little further down the road. The first and last bit remain
the same.
The table’s booked for 8.00 pm, so if you’d like to join us, please let me know.
Simon Pape