Curry Meet- High House, Borrowdale

Fri. 30th Sept. Sat. 1st Oct. 2022

The Club has booked High House, the K-Fellfarers hut in Seathwaite Borrowdale
(GR 236 119) for the above weekend. This is in the heart of the Lake District and
provides good access to walks and climbs round Borrowdale itself as well as
Scafell and other major fells.
The hut is large and with a good lounge, which is ideal for a social gathering on a
cool autumn evening; ideal also for a traditional Oread Curry Meet of course.
We’ll have the curry on Saturday night, as usual. I will cook one, but the plan is
to persuade one or two (or more) of you to also cook a curry. I will reimburse
you for the ingredients you need for the curry itself. I will provide all the
ancillary stuff, rice, naans, samosas, Indian sweets, fruit salad etc.
The cost for the food will be about £10 per person, for everyone who signs up.
Payment method to be decided. I will let you know about this in advance. Bring
your own wine and beer etc.
If you would like to come along & particularly if you would be willing to do
some cooking
, please let me know ASAP. To provide a balanced menu, we need
to agree what you will cook.
Tony Howard