Gritstone trail stage 4

Sat. 18th February 2023

Having completed the southern half of the Gritstone Trail, we now resume the
project to commence the northern half.
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:15 departure at Trentabank Reservoi:r OS Explorer
268 Wilmslow / Macclesfield / Congleton; GR 962712. Public loos, roadside
parking free.
The route is as follows: Trentabank, Bottoms Reservoir (near Langley), Teggs
Nose, Teggs Nose visitor centre (cafe and facilities), Tower Hill, (possible diversion
to Robin Hood pub at Rainow if participant acclamation demands), Snipe House,
Wickinford Farm, The Lathes, Turnshawflat, Macclesfield Forest, Trentabank.
Please let me know if you’re coming and also if you would like to lift share.
Stuart Firth