Wednesday walk – Rowsley

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7th Dec. 2022 Meet at Massarella’s café at the Peak Village shopping complex just off the A6 atRowsley, where there is plenty of free parking available. I’m aiming for a 10:15depart. The route takes us over the A6 into Rowsley village, up on to Stantonmoor-visiting Nine Ladies stone circle and the Cork stone- past the […]

Winter evening lecture – Jon Morgan

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Tues, 6th Dec., 8pm, Royal Oak pub, Ockbrook Jon Morgan: professional mountain guide, retired anaesthetist. Jon is a hillrunner and ski mountaineer. He also represents GB in skimo racing and iscurrently more than halfway into a one-week-at-a-time ski traverse of the wholeAlps.Admission £3.00 Oreads £5.00 non members.

Post prandial walk

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Sunday 4th Dec. 2022 After a night on the tiles, or an evening spent at the Oread’s Annual Dinner,what could be better than a walk in the countryside with friends, enjoying thefresh air?The dinner this year is at the Fox and Goose on Pudding Pie Hill (what awonderful name!). Heathy Lea is close by (five […]

Thursday short walk – Bonsall – Masson Hill

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17th Nov. 2022 This will be a Bonsall – Masson Hill round. We will start at 11.00am from theFountain Cafe, Bonsall. Roadside parking by the cafe or in the park bottomparking, – honesty box £1,Minimum gradients on the route from Bonsall Dale into Horse Dale to joinBlackmore lane, Morelands lane, leading to a short section […]

First Winter Zoom talk – Coast to Coast Walk

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Tuesday 15 November, 8pm. For the first zoom talk this winter I will be describing and showing some photos from our Coast to Coast walk this June. Featuring Michael and Cathy Moss, Michael and Helen Hayes, Nigel and Janet Briggs, some warm summer weather, some people (well mainly me) swimming, a few ups and downs […]

Winter lecture – Brian Hall

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Tuesday 1 November 8 pm Lecture Royal Oak Ockbrook Brian was at the forefront of British and Himalayan mountaineering in the 1970sand 1980s. A generation of radical young climbers emerged, with tiny budgetsand high ambitions they pioneered light and fast Alpine-style expeditions ongreat peaks including Everest, K2, Jannu, and Nuptse. Brian’s book, High Risk: Climbing […]

November 2022 Newsletter out!

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At the end of this issue are the details and menu form for the annual dinner –this must be returned by 14 November at latest so do it now!Also the draft meets list for 2023 is in here with lots of meets still needingleaders and still spaces for more meets -what would you like to […]

Dry tooling – Masson Lees

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Sunday 13 November and 17 December – Jeff Ingman and Tim Sellears Climbing outside in November? Climbing outside in December? ……regardless ofthe weather?It can only mean one thing……dry tooling.To my knowledge this is the first time that the Oread will be meeting for drytooling, a specific niche activity for developing skills and strength for winterclimbing. […]

Oread Annual Dinner

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Saturday 3rd December 2022 The annual dinner is once again at:The Fox and Goose Inn, Pudding Pie Hill, Wigley. S42 7JJ.www.thefoxandgooseinn.comA very pleasant country pub with good food and beer on the B6050 Baslow toBrampton road. A mere 2.9 miles from Heathy Lea – downhill on the way back!Overnight accommodationThe pub does not have any […]

Fylde MC hut Little Langdale

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18th and 19th Nov. 2022 The Fylde club’s delightful hut is well situated for a variety of crags – in Langdaleitself are Gimmer, Raven, White Ghyll and Pavey Ark and there’s magnificentquarries close at hand too. Plus great mountain walking in all directions.We sincerely hope for better weather than last year when gales knocked out […]