Sunday 15 Dec. 2024 (Please note change of date!)This being a one way walk I shall present myself with a vehicle at the car parkadjacent to Wetton Mill Tea Room at 10.00 am, in the hope that others will leavea vehicle there and travel back to Milldale with me (the walk will then commenceat 10 […]
12 Dec. 2024 We will meet in Kniveton at the junction of Ostrich Lane (leaves the main road bythe school) and Longrose Lane where there is some parking. Otherwise park onthe main road and walk the short distance to the meeting point. SK209 508. Wewill start at 11.00 am and follow the lane to pick […]

The 75th Anniversary Journal, edited by Nigel Briggs, is now complete and has been uploaded to the website. View it here: 75th Journal. Note: view the full post by clicking the title for the links to work. The journal also has 6 appendices, longer articles which have been abridged in the main publication. These can […]
Sat. 23rd Nov. 2024 Arrive 6.45pm for 7:15pm at The Maynard, Main Road, Grindleford S32 2HEWe look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this celebration of theOREAD and reaching its 75th milestone. Overnight accommodation: Tony Raphael has booked a twin room at the Maynardand would be happy to share it with […]
Wed. 11th Dec 2024 This annual madness involves climbing at Black Rocks in the dark early evening– or Harborough for the not quite so mad – and Wirksworth wall for the boringlysane – followed by a get together in a local pub – more details next month.
Wednesday 4th Dec. Departure: from Cromford Station as soon as the train arrives from Derby, a fewminutes after 10.00am.Getting there: by train from Derby, departs at 0935 and stops at 4 stations on the way by 6.1 bus from Derby, departs bus station at 0850, alight outsideGreyhound Hotel, Cromford at 0947, cross A6, walk along […]
Sunday 24th Nov. Following on from the 75th Anniversary Dinner at The Maynard, we will meet at10:30 just down the road at Grindleford Bridge, SK 245 778. There is usuallyadequate parking on the side of the road.We will follow the Heritage Way north, climb up to Bole Hill, under Lawrencefieldand then Millstone to Hathersage Moor […]
21 November Meet 11.00am at the junction of Beeley Lane and Beeley Bar Lane (track) at SK2866 6805. There is sufficient parking either on the edge of the track or side ofthe road. Note that Beeley Lane is a closed road and not accessible from BeeleyVillage, only from Darley Road or Wirestone Lane/ Screetham Lane […]

Ice climbing in Rjukan Valley Norway 1-8th Feb 2025. Rjukan is regarded one of the best ice climbing destinations in Europe ! From single pitch Cragging at Krokan or Ozzimossis to multi pitch routes in the upper & lower gorge there is plenty on offer. There are 19 local crags and over 200 routes. We […]
Scottish winter climbing Aviemore Cairngorms. Will likely be trying to get some mixed climbing in in the Northern Coories conditions dependent or a winter walk if the routes aren’t in condition. 4 Males beds , 2 female & 2 mixed available. More available on request. Contact Rob Beck for more information.