Oreads enjoying the snow!

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This past week the Oreads have been up in Scotland enjoying the snow in all the places they could find it! Here they are on Ben Lawers Summiting Ben Bhreac! They even took a nice walk to see the sites around Lock Lomond!

Tuesday 15th Feb, Zoom Talk

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The link for members to log in to Pip’s talk has been sent out by email using our new Mailchimp system. if you cannot see it in your inbox please check spam. If you cannot find it there either please email Nigel Briggs.

Tan yr Wyddfa winter hut meet

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25th and 26th Feb 2022 Chris Ashworth has agreed to lead the meet at Tany yr Wyddfa towards the end of Feb., here’s hoping for good useful weather!  There is good sea cliff climbing on Holyhead, anything from the pleasant to the adventurous. Low lying cargs ar Tremadog. All of these good options if the wearther […]

Evening Lecture:from Sargans to Montreux via eighteen passes

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Rob Tresidder will give an illustrated talk about the Alpine Passes Walk, from Sargans to Montreux via eighteen passes and below the north face of the Eiger. This talk in honour of Kev Reynolds, walker and writer extraordinaire 1943 – 2021 on Tuesday, 01 February at 7.30 p.m. in The Royal Oak, Ockbrook DE72 3SE […]

Circuit round Crich

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Seven Oreads plus a couple of friends gathered at Whatstandwell on 20 Jan – a fabulous crisp, clear winter’s morning – for a circuit around Crich. We passed below Chasecliff crag – bigger and more impressive than I remembered – before leaving the woods to enjoy fine views all round as we made our way […]

Some January Fun

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The Oreads have been busy this month getting up to all sorts (Well except for Ice climbing because believe it of not it hasn’t been cold enough!). Take a look below at just a few moments from this months activities. People have been walking in Scotland, Climbing indoors and Mike even went paddling!

Weekend walk – new members

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23rd Apr. 2020 Peter Amour has kindly agreed to lead the New Members’ walk on Saturday 23 April 2022. All members welcome of course. Quite a few folk may be away as it’s the tail end of the Easter holiday; those who aren’t away will no doubt appreciate Peter’s event. Mike Hayes has reserved Heathy […]

Braedownie Hut Glen Cova

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25th adn 26th Mar. 2022 This is the Carn Dearg Mountaineering Club hut in Glen Clova (south east sideof Cairngorms, Scotland).find more details at https://carndearg.org/club-hut/We can have up to 16 people, 8 people have signed up already. Cost is £10 pppn.Please book your place with Christabel Goode

AGM 2022

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24th March 2022, 8 p.m. The Annual General Meeting of the Club will take place at 8 pm on Thursday 24thMarch 2022. We will be holding the meeting virtually on Zoom.See the February newsletter page 9 for full details regarding the business of the meeting and how itwill be conducted.

Zoom – GR20 Corsica

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15th March 2020, 20:00 The final Oread Zoom of the winter features a footpath that traverses themountains of Corsica from north to south and is said to be one of the finestwalks around. Jan and I walked it in 2017 and wouldn’t disagree. Many Oreadshave first hand knowledge of it and it was the subject […]