Fylde hut, Little Langdale

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26 – 27 November Dave Snod Helliwell I recently stopped at the Fylde hut in Little Langdale and it has had a completemake over during lockdown – in fact some of the paint was still green – a verypleasant place to be. It is well situated for a variety of crags. In Langdale itselfare Gimmer, […]

Hathersage, Offerton Moor and Bamford

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20 Nov. 2021 I plan to do a circuit of about 10-11 miles (hopefully with others) to the west ofHathersage taking in Offerton Moor on the outbound leg with the return passingby Bamford Mill. I will be found supping a pre-walk cuppa in the Outside Cafe at10-00am and look forward to seeing you there. Peter […]

Oread Summer Alpine Trip 2022

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I’m giving advanced notice of this to get you all thinking about a magical trip to the mountains next year! The plan is to return to Camping Du Glacier D’Argentiere camp site near Chamonix. The club went there in 2016 but I didn’t get to go so I’m putting it forward as the summer Alpine […]

Alpine meet, Argentiere, France

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Chamonix valley, Aig. Vert and Mt. Blanc

23rd July to 7th Aug. 2022 Gill Radcliffe I had originally planned to run this meet earlier in July but due to theunavailability of some club members I now intend to run the meet from the23rd July to 7th August. It’s likely that Chris and I will be in the area for longer so any […]

November Newsletter

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The November newsletter is out! Lots of meets still to come: the start of the season’s indoor meets both live and on Zoom; several walks, a mini working party before the traditional bonfire at Heathy Lea, the Bullstones; weekends away in Snowdonia and Little Langdale, plus, of course, the Annual Dinner – booking forms and […]

Evening Lecture: Tuesday 2nd November

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Royal Oak, Ockbrook, 8pm, by Spenser Gray Spenser Gray will describe the route followed by the Great North Trail between Cromford and the Northern Highlands of Scotland taking in Cape Wrath, Duncansby Head, John O’Groats and Dunnet Head. He will also recount some entertaining tales of the high and low points experienced during his journey […]

Evening MTB Ride October 21st.

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An intrepid group of Oread Mountain Bikers met at The Spotted Cow, Holbrook at 7.30 on Thursday , on a calm dry evening, under an almost full moon. After the others waited for me to find the pub I had nominated, we five set off down Shaw Lane on our searchlight equipped bikes and descended […]

South Derbyshire Walk Saturday 23rd Oct. 2021

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A group of 15 Oreads and guests set off from Ticknall Village Hall in the South of the county on a dry but cloudy morning. Fortunately the same group, still dry, returned later in the afternoon after a 22km tour of some of the local highlights. We were pleased to welcome Pete Amour’s brother in […]

BARMY competition results 3rd Oct 2021

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The rules favour those looking to cover a distance collecting crags, pinnacles, trig points and monoliths in addition to climbs. On the day heavy showers and high wind made teams concentrating on crags a routes uncompetitive. The best strategy by far was to have a plan and to know where to find monoliths (stoops and […]


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10th to 12th December 2021 John Green This year I have been given the job of leading this traditional meet. As a number of our regular attendees are unavailable and I now have difficulty going for more than 18k I have tried to a) keep it local b) Ensure good accommodation for Sat night in […]