The Hulme End Hobble

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Wednesday 2 Feb. 2022 I shall be inside the Hulme End Tea Junction, (postal code SK17 0EZ) fromabout 10.10am taking a hot drink/snack prior to starting the walk at 10.30am.Regarding parking I believe that if using the cafe you can leave your vehiclethere all day. Should you prefer not to there is a pay and […]

Milehouse cottage, Kincraig, Scotland

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28th and 29th Jan. 2022 This is the Ladies Scottish Climbing Club hut near Kingussie in the Cairngorms,find more details at: have 12 places currently booked, but we can increase to 17 if we wish. Costis £10 pppn. Pip Leach is provisional meet leader so please book your place withPip

Thursday short walk Whatstandwell

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20th Jan 2022 We will meet at the small car park by the canal SK332 543 on the left just up theroad to Crich for an 11.00am start. (If this should be full there is also the stationcar park nearby. The walk will take a circuit one or other side of the canaltowpath between Whatstandwell […]

Zoom talk – Sikkim

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8 pm. 18th Jan, 2022 “I will be showing photos from Sikkim, my first trekking holiday in 2011.The joining link will be emailed out prior to the event.” Ruth Gordon

Weekend Walk, Linacre Wood

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15th Jan 2022 Meet at Linacre Wood car park for a 10:30 departure. This area is unfamiliar tome so I shall invent something. I believe there is a cafe at Holmebrook ValleyCountry Park and I will endeavour to incorporate a visit. It would, however, besound mountaineering practice to bring your own lunch. Of course some […]

New year’s day walk – Wetton

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1 Jan 2022 As no leader has emerged to coordinate this traditional sociable get-together youwill need to liase with your friends and plot a route to the Royal Oak at Wettonwhere other Oreads will doubtless converge from different directions for alunchtime drink or two before wandering off into the gathering gloom in the hopeof finding […]

Boxing Day Walk

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26th Dec. 2021 Sadly the Miners’ Arms Brassington is currently closed so a new venue is neededfor our traditional festive meet-up. As The Gate is so small, and at present theonly pub in the village, they are unlikely to be able to fit us all in so we proposeto meet up at the Miners’ Arms, […]

Festive Season at Tan yr Wyddfa

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24 Dec. 2021 to 3 Jan. 2022 As usual the hut is available for members and family to have a sociable timetogether and no doubt a shared meal will be arranged for New Year’s eve. Don’tforget to reserve your beds, using the online system if possible, otherwise bycontacting Michael Hayes.

Black Rocks evening meet

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15 Dec. 2021 It’s the Wednesday before the Wednesday before Christmas! Time for all ruftytufty Oreads to get out with headtorches and scramble about in the dark, darknight. After sufficient exposure to the elements we will retire to the Rising Sun,Middleton by Wirksworth where we will be made welcome but this year no mealhas been […]

Beddgelert to Nantmor High Level Route

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Some of our members have been out and about walking this week and have captured some truly beautiful pictures. All the pictures in this article are credited to Peter Kennington. If you are an Oread member and want to share your adventures contact me at! This route is around 6 miles and starts opposite […]