4th and 5th March 2020 22 beds are booked at the ABMSAC George Starkey Hut in Patterdale for thenights of Friday 4th and Saturday 5th March. However as usual we have theoption of extending our stay by a day or so if required.As this is a long established Oread meet I think everyone will be […]
This morning a few keen Oreads went for a walk starting at Linacre Wood Car Park and doing the circular route. If you are interested in finding a group of like minded people who enjoy walking and the outdoors (and beer…) then take a look at the membership page for more information.
Some years earlier I was asked to lead this event when Rusty belatedly took ill. On that occasion I collected Rob Tressider en-route, arrived at the Ilam start point in torrential rain and found ourselves the only fools out on such a foul day. This year I collected Jane Tressider, and was pleased to see […]
When the weather outside isn’t ideal for a trip to the peaks why not pop to the pub and get your mountain fix through hearing about exciting trips and achievements from summers gone by! This week Bob Pettigrew will describe the pull of Kulu in the heart of the Great Himalayan Divide that forms the […]
11-12 February 2022 This is the Ochils Mountaineering Club hut, with more details at:https://www.ochils.com/club-cottage-for-letWe have a booking for 10 beds at £12 pppn. Michael Hayes is meet leader –Fully booked but contact him if you would like to be on the reserve list.
Wednesday 2 Feb. 2022 I shall be inside the Hulme End Tea Junction, (postal code SK17 0EZ) fromabout 10.10am taking a hot drink/snack prior to starting the walk at 10.30am.Regarding parking I believe that if using the cafe you can leave your vehiclethere all day. Should you prefer not to there is a pay and […]
28th and 29th Jan. 2022 This is the Ladies Scottish Climbing Club hut near Kingussie in the Cairngorms,find more details at:https://www.ladiesscottishclimbingclub.org/huts/milehouse-cottage/We have 12 places currently booked, but we can increase to 17 if we wish. Costis £10 pppn. Pip Leach is provisional meet leader so please book your place withPip
20th Jan 2022 We will meet at the small car park by the canal SK332 543 on the left just up theroad to Crich for an 11.00am start. (If this should be full there is also the stationcar park nearby. The walk will take a circuit one or other side of the canaltowpath between Whatstandwell […]
8 pm. 18th Jan, 2022 “I will be showing photos from Sikkim, my first trekking holiday in 2011.The joining link will be emailed out prior to the event.” Ruth Gordon
15th Jan 2022 Meet at Linacre Wood car park for a 10:30 departure. This area is unfamiliar tome so I shall invent something. I believe there is a cafe at Holmebrook ValleyCountry Park and I will endeavour to incorporate a visit. It would, however, besound mountaineering practice to bring your own lunch. Of course some […]