Wednesday night climbing – Intake Quarry

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The Oread managed to find a few rays of sunshine on this weeks Wednesday climbing session. The venue of choice was Intake Quarry for a session clipping bolts! If you are new to the area, getting into the sport and interested in climbing outside or simply want some new climbing friends then get in touch!

Oread Members Handbook

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The updated (July 2021) version of the members handbook is now available on the Members page of the website. Remember you need to be logged in to view this.

Wednesday evening climbing – Masson Lees

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This Wednesday the sun facilitated a big turn out of over 18 Oreads + friends at Masson Lees. With members old and new it was a great opportunity to clip some bolts! And as is tradition the climbing was followed by a cheeky trip to the pub! If this sounds like your idea of a […]

August Social New Members Meet Round 2!

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Despite a disappointedly wet new members meet we had a great turnout of new faces at the depot on the Saturday with many eager to get out on rock and do the real thing. Promises were made by the meet leader and so here we are…This is a much more informal meet with the idea […]

Content added to Publications and Meets pages

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The most recent members newsletters have now been added, (public versions coming soon), along with books, journals and reports. go to the publications pages to have a look. The meets details for the next two months have been added, so there’s plenty to get out and do on good days, and to read on wet […]

New Oread Website launched

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Welcome to our new website, we hope you like the layout and style and are able to find what you need on it. Club members should have received login details to access the member’s areas. General comments can be added to this post, if you have any specific comments about access, improvements, inaccuracies or omissions […]