Oread AGM 2023

Sat. 25th March, 2023 at 7:30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Club will take place at 7:30 pm on Saturday
25th March 2023. The meeting will be held at The Duke William, Church St.
Matlock. https://www.thedukewilliammatlock.com/ tel. 01629 583111. The
pub has a large car park and serves food from 12 noon to 8.00 pm We have the
upstairs room reserved from 7.00pm and want to make a prompt start at 7.30.
In the meeting we will approve the minutes of the 2022 AGM, consider the
accounts and officers’ reports for 2022, elect a new committee, elect the hut
committees, consider any proposed amendments to the constitution and
consider any other proposed business.
The officers’ reports and the accounts will be circulated prior to the AGM, by
email (and post if needed) around 15 March. Questions are requested to be
submitted in advance of the AGM and the responses will be provided at the AGM.
Questions asked during the meeting will also be answered.
Nominations for Officers of the club and members of the committee are welcome
and must be submitted by the 4th March to the Secretary. Each nomination
must be in writing and supported by two full members of the club along with the
consent of the nominee, who must be a full member. Nominations can be made
for any position. In the event of multiple nominations for the same position a
vote will be held.
Any motions for consideration need to be sent to the Secretary, Pip Leach, by the
th March 2023 and be supported by two full members of the club.
Pip Leach