Post Annual Dinner walk

Post Prandial Walk sunday 19th Nov. 2023, 10AM for a 10:15 start.

Park beside the cricket pitch in Calver village near the Derwentwater Arms.
Our route will be around 10 miles and proceed up through Curbar village
onto the end of Baslow Edge. We will then head across to pick up the very
end of White Edge at the road junction of the A621 . We will head across
White Edge to the Grouse for a lunchtime stop. We will then proceed back
via Grindleford and the river Derwent. A shorter walk with less ascent is
possible by joining us at the A621 road junction with Clod Hall Lane where
there is plenty of parking beside the road. If you want to do this please get
in touch and I will message you with a rough time.
If the weather is fine I hope to have a food stop on White Edge before the
pub. Food is available at the pub but I advise booking if you wish to
partake. For those interested there is further opportunity for refreshments
at the Derwentwater Arms when we complete the route.
Jan Wilson