Oread Publications


The club currently producers a newsletter almost monthly (normally 10 per year). The editor is always grateful for articles from members, please contact Newsletter Editor if you have anything suitable.

Logged in members can view copies in our archive from the earliest published right up to the present day. We are in the process of completing the archive.

This includes many dating back to the earliest years of the club, and it’s formation, and make interesting reading.

Public copies of recent issues can be viewed by non logged in members.


The Oread has published 3 books:

Climb if You Will

This extraordinary book was written and published by Oread Mountaineering Club Members and published in 1974.

It celebrates the life of Geoff Hayes, a popular and inspirational club member, who was killed in a climbing accident on Dow Crag in 1971. A great deal of club history can be found within its pages.

It is now proudly published in digital form on the club website. We hope you find it readable. Thanks to Philip Marsden at digitisemybooks.co.uk  for the non-destructive scanning of a copy.

50th Anniversary Journal

In 1999 the Oread Mountaineering Club proudly published a wonderful Journal marking 50 years of adventures and fun enjoyed by members since the club’s foundation in 1949, edited by founder member Harry Pretty.

The Journal has a significant place in British mountaineering literature.

75th Anniversary Journal

This Journal, produced in 2024 and edited by Nigel Briggs, contains records of activities in the past 25 years, along with reflective articles recording changes in club activity and in climbing in general. The basic journal is supplemented by appendices with longer versions of articles or extra photographs. It was initially published as a pdf on this website, with printed copies produced to order. Contact the club secretary for details and availability of printed copies of the basic journal, and the journal plus appendices..

Journals and Bulletins

In this section are copies of Oread Journals and Bulletins from the early 1960’s through to the early 1990’s.

Historical Reports

Here you will find a report from the 1961 Derbyshire Himalaya Expedition, a report of the 1964 Ascent of Kula Pumori in the Punjab Himalaya, and various other reports by club members.

Club Archive

Historical material relating to the Oread has been deposited for safe-keeping in the Derbyshire Record Office, New Street, Matlock where it is available for all to consult.
An initial deposit was made by Harry Pretty in 2002 after publication of the 50th Anniversary Journal. An additional deposit of materials dating from 1962 – 2016 was made in July 2017.

To see what is available you can search the catalogue and find the reference number and a brief description of each document.

Then you can contact the Record Office to order documents for consultation or request a quote for copying.
Email record.office@derbyshire.gov.uk or telephone 01629 538347.

If you wish to visit you will need an Archives Card. You can sign up for this on line in advance or on arrival, providing two forms of ID eg passport, driving licence, recent Utility bill etc. It is wise to book your visit in advance and pre-order the documents you want to see to avoid delay.