Saturday Geo Walk Robin Hood Inn to Matlock

20th Jan. 2024

15km, 270m ascent, medium grade.
The Peak District GeoWalk is a new multi-section walk offering a broad and
deep insight into the geology of the Peak District – and hence also its many
rock-climbing opportunities. It was developed by Albert Benghiat and
Martin Whiteley who have described it all on a freely available and excellent
Much of the territory will be familiar to members of the Oread but those
who undertook the previous project – the Peak District Boundary Walk –
will vouch for the many surprises we found along the way. I am hopeful
that this latest venture will render similar satisfaction. The idea is to walk a
section every other month with different leaders and hopefully some input
along the way from the rock climbers amongst us.
Our first section (officially No 14) will start at Heathy Lea / Robin Hood Inn
and progress to Matlock via Chatsworth Edge, Hob Hurst’s House and Two
Dales. We will encounter Crawshaw Sandstone, Chatsworth Grit, Ashover
Grit, Carboniferous Limestone, Carbonate Mud, Bowland Shale and
Millstone Grit.
Meet at Heathy Lea at 10:00 for a 10:15 departure. As this will be an A2B
walk, transport logistics will need to be planned so please let me know if
you are coming so that I can arrange to return you to your vehicle. Sadly,
whilst buses are available, the timetabling is not really convenient. There
will be refreshments at the end but bring lunch.
Stuart Firth