Spring Stride Over Haddon

Sun. 27th Mar. 2022

We will meet in the car park at Over Haddon at 10.30 am. (Grid Reference: SK
203 664). This is a pay and display car park, pay using coins, or by phone. There
are toilets in the car park.
The walk will take in parts of Lathkilldale, before crossing over to join the valley
of the River Bradford South of Youlgreave, following it for a bit before returning
to Over Haddon.
The walk will be somewhere between 10 and 16km, depending on the weather
and the appetite of participants. Please bring a picnic lunch, however there could
be opportunities to divert into Youlgreave for refreshments, or to end the walk
with a drink at the Lathkil Hotel in Over Haddon.
We hope for a good turn out for this traditional Oread event. Please let me know
if you intend to come along.
Nigel Briggs