Strawberry cottage – Glen Affic

23rd to 29th October 2022

The meet is fully booked, should anyone wish to be put on a reserve list please
feel free to e mail me.
To those booked on to the meet we have bed nights in Strawberry Cottage from
Sunday, 23rd – Fri, 28th October, leaving on Saturday, 29th.
The journey out and back involves a long drive AND a 5 mile walk/cycle ride
track journey to/from Strawberry Cottage, which lies deep in Glen Affric.
The 5 mile track journey is on Forestry & Land’s property, and a condition of
using the access, which the An Teallach MC have to comply to, is two vehicles
only are allowed to travel the track. That said, I plan to have my car and one
other act as “lorries” to ferry gear to/from the hut while participants walk/cycle
the forest road. For this to happen we need to rendezvous at the River Car Park,
Glen Affric to transfer gear from the cars which must be left behind into both
gear ferrying cars. I propose we meet at 5pm Sunday afternoon.Should ANYONE
have a problem with this time please let me know a soon as possible, co￾ordination on this is vital. Several of us are OVERNIGHTING en-route out and
back to fit the gear transfer plan, could I ask you to bear this in mind.
I shall send out further details next week.
Peter Amour