Tan -Yr-Wyddfa BBQ

15-17 July 2022

Summer in North Wales: the very phrase brings back memories of hot and sticky
days walking the hills or climbing in ‘The Pass’ or Tremadog, baking at Gogarth,
or best of all – pleasant afternoons hiding from the heat on Cyrn Las, Cloggy,
Craig Yr Ysfa, Llech Ddu, or Lliwedd. Alternatively, we could be walking in the
rain and testing the drying room – but that probably won’t happen.
The weather will be brilliant (straight face here) and on Saturday night we will be
having a BBQ. You should bring your own food and drink. I will provide some
BBQ machines and fuel.
Please note that this meet will be immediately preceded by Snod’s Working Party
Meet from the 11th to the 15th July. Do both!
If you want to come along, please let me know ASAP.
Tony Howard