Thursday shport walk – Bonsall

Thur. 23rd March 2023

This will be a second attempt on the Bonsall walk which, in November, was
inundated with such heavy rain that a swift retreat was made to the cafe! We will
start at 11.00am from the Fountain Cafe, Bonsall. (Open from 8.30 am for early
arrivals!) Roadside parking by the cafe or in the park bottom parking, – honesty
box £1.
After an uphill start up Bonsall Dale the route is surprisingly gentle – into Horse
Dale to join Blackmore lane, Morelands lane, leading to Salters lane where we
cross the road to contour above Jug Holes cave then pick up the track/path to
the top of Masson hill, good views if it’s clear. Field paths back to Bonsall, where
pub and cafe await.
Ruth Gordon