Wednesday walk – Cromford

Wdnesday 1st February 2023

Walk: Cromford to Matlock  

Time: Wednesday 1st February 10.00 a.m. start

Walk Leader: Rachel Walker

Meeting point: Cromford Market Place outside the Greyhound

Free parking: Cromford Market Place or the Lime Yard to the left of the Community Centre (across the road from the Market Place)

Public transport: Buses from Bakewell and Derby, Train from Derby

Route: From Cromford we will walk to Bonsall via Scarthin, past the Heights of Abraham and down into Matlock, returning via a lower path on the same side of the valley or alternatively via High Tor on the opposite side of the valley.

Distance: about 9 miles

Possible coffee shop in Matlock, or Cromford on return.

Rachel Walker