Wednesday walk – Hollinsclough

2 Nov. 2022

Meet at the phone box in Hollinsclough (SK065266) a little before 10.30 so that
we may move off at that time, there is unlikely to be a shortage of parking space
on the verge, mid week in winter. We shall merely view my much lauded usual
haunts of the limestone hills from a respectful distance, and instead head north
towards Axe Edge on ground more comfortable underfoot than the famously
described bogland, closer to the upper reaches of the Manifold. Having reached a
respectable altitude on the bleak and isolated little patch of moorland above Dun
Cows Grove we shall move East to Flash Bar where there is sustenance and
shelter if desired. The return down the Dove basin will be on a selection of
accomodating tracks encountered more by chance than navigational prowess.
Clive Rusty Russell