Weekend walk – Gritstone trail part 6

Sat. 21st. Oct. 2023

Meet at Lyme Park NT car park at 10:15 for a 10:30 departure. Bring
OS Map OL1 GR 963 823 (aka W3W topic.homelands.reboot)
This is a circular walk partly on the Gritstone Trail and linking with our
previous stage. It’s the last one in the series. It goes something like this:
Lyme Park car park – free for NT members (facilities, café), Bowstonegate,
Sponds Hill, Pt 407, Stag House, Keepers Cottage, Birchencliff, (possibly
The Tin Hut Coffee Tavern), West Parkgate, Green Farm, Elmhurst Cottage,
Disley Pt 183 (THE END yippee), Green Lane, Bollinghurst Bridge, Lyme
Please let me know if you would like to join us on this walk and/or
would like to lift share.

Stuart Firth