Weekend walk – Langsett Polka Dot Cafe

Sat. 18th June

Meet at the Polka Dot Cafe near the dam over Langsett Reservoir at 10:00 for a
10:30 departure. A short straw poll may be held to nominate a leader – unless
someone volunteers beforehand.
Parking at the nearby Langsett Visitor Centre. Map OL1 Dark Peak; GR 211005.
I’m happy to act as a matchmaker for those wishing to share a lift.
A suggested route is along the north shore of the reservoir, Hingcliff Common,
Mickleden Edge, Cut Gate, Featherbed Moss, Outer Edge, Harden Clough,
Hordron, Little Don river (flows even more quietly than the big one), Langsett.
A good pub for a post-walk pint and/or pie on the way home is the Old Horns,
High Bradfield, S6 6LG.
Contact for car share or volunteer leadership:
Stuart Firth