Weekend walk Lathkill dale

Sat 18th Dec.

As we have so little daylight at this time of year an early start will need to be the
order of the day, but not too early! 09.30am.
I think the Lathkill round from Moor Lane car park should be doable in most
weathers. It is a classic, starting from SK 1922 6448 at the car park, and taking
the Limestone Way past Calling Low into Cales Dale. Some very slippy steps get
us down to the main dale and the River Lathkill which may be in full flow for us.
A simple plod along the excellent path will bring us to Conksbury and across the
road. The path continues along the Lathkill to Alport where we cross the road
again and join the River Bradford which is followed to a path steeply up to the
Middleton Road and back on the Limestone Way which brings us back to the
cars. 14 km.
If you are coming on the outing, please let me know

John Green