Weekend walk – Upper Derwent

Sun 16th July 2023

The July Weekend walk will be on Sunday 16th July. We will be visiting
some of the Upper Derwent Hills. The plan is to meet at Fairholmes Car
Park (SK 173 894) at 10.00 am. Initially we will head South East before
heading North to Lost Lad. From here we follow the tops to Margery Hill.
From here we drop down to join the River Derwent at Slippery Stones. On
the way down we will be looking over towards the site of the Bullstones
cabin. Hopefully someone will be able to point out the exact location, we
could not see any trace of it earlier this year! Slippery Stones is a well
known Derbyshire ‘dipping site’, and being July it will be the ideal
opportunity for a short swim, dip, or paddle. After drying off we walk
alongside the reservoirs back to Fairholmes giving a walk of about 22 km.
Please let us know if you will be joining us.
Nigel and Janet Briggs