WINTER WALL WEDNESDAYS (Sheffield, Awesome Walls)

Introducing the underwhelmingly named series of events that you didn’t know you wanted!

The evenings are dark and the weekends are wet. Many of us spend our time dangling around at indoor walls so we thought it was time that we organised some sessions at them to at least allow you to socialise a bit while you are there!

The theme is simple – on the 2nd Wednesday of each month there will be an indoor wall event held in Nottingham and the 4th Wed of each month there will be an indoor wall event held in Sheffield. Michael Percival has kindly been voluntold that he is running the Nottingham nights and David Mason will be the face of the Sheffield events.

For this Winter we have:

  • 24th Nov – Sheffield (Awesome walls)
  • 8th Dec – Nottingham Climbing Centre
  • 22nd Dec – Sheffield (Foundry)
  • 12th Jan – Nottingham Climbing Centre
  • 26th Jan – Sheffield (Awesome walls)
  • 9th Feb – Nottingham Climbing Centre
  • 23rd Feb – Sheffield (Foundry)
  • 9th March – Nottingham Climbing Centre
  • 23rd March – Sheffield (Awesome walls)

The suggested start time is 7pm to give most people the chance to finish at work and get to the venue. Drop me a message and let me know you are coming down and I’ll keep an eye out for you! I hope to see lots of friendly faces on the 24th 😊