Zoom talk – climbing in the sun – Chris Wilson

Tuesday 21 February 8.00 pm

The penultimate Zoom event this season will be based on a ramshackle set of
photos from sunny climbing locations interspersed with a few via ferrate (a
confession, I used Google to check on the plural!). Many of us have heard of
meccas such as the Costa Blanca and Kalymnos but never visited and others
might enjoy a few reminders of how good they can be. That’s the thought behind
this collection of photos, with a few other less frequented places thrown in for
good measure. To add a little variety one or two well frequented via ferrata have
been included, all in France.
It should be a fairly short non serious session, so maybe you might want to get
one or two of your photos out and let us see them when it’s ended. Joining
instructions will be circulated nearer to the date – now sent out by email. Contact Nigel Briggs if you have not received them.